Homemade Peach Jam
This healthy yet delicious way to garnish your breads, will give an excuse to go to the kitchen instead of the supermarket!
-1 peach pitted and halved
-1/4 cup of coconut sugar
-Ginger (a 5 cm/2 inch piece) sliced not peeled
-Water to cover the peaches
First, put some water (about 1/2 cup or enough to cover the halved peaches) on a pan and place your peach, ginger and sugar. Wait for boil and then stir for 5 more minutes. Peaches must be tender by now.
Discard ginger and set sugar water aside.
Transfer the peaches with 1 teaspoon of the sugar water to a food processor. According to your preference of consistency, add more water.
Voila! Homemade delicious jam!
Bon Appetit!
This is the Paleo Bread with the homemade peach jam.